The Steele Report – 8/24/2020

Today’s report rates GREEN for White House, Message, Economy, Society, and Zionism, and YELLOW for Campaign. A RESTRICTED video not allowed on YouTube is introduced with supporting book reviews and a supporting post. The following are addressed in the main body of the document:

Q Anon – real or not real – my appraisal
Jews, Zionists, and Russian Criminals – has the time come for a counterintelligence purge?
Mark Steele on the 5G Threat and Claims of 5G Conversion into Benign Tesla Towers
Appraisal of the Pre-Conditions for Revolution Existing in the USA Today
What Is To Be Done? Is Trump Doing What Needs To Be Done?

The Steele Report – 8/17/2020

The Steele Report for Monday, 17 August 2020 rates Green for White House and Zionism, Yellow for the Economy, Orange for Message and Society, and Red for Campaign. Topics addressed include Shadowgate – the full film debunked; It’s not about left versus right but about good versus evil; Chances of Trump winning re-election / Biden down, Harris up, Republican cross-over?; Do we need a Constitutional Convention?; What should Web 3.0 look like?; China’s reality – Asians & Russia will push back, not the USA; and Analysis of “Peace Deal” between Israel and UAE as REJECTED by Palestinians

SPY IMPROV 8/15/2020

Robert answered 23 submitted questions all of which can be seen here, as well as another seven or so in chat for a 90 minute session. Topics including directed energy weapons, the Beirut attack, counterintelligence, artificial intelligence and transhumanism, gold, Q Anon, Election 2020, and where Trump is falling short with blacks, Sandernistas, Libertarians, and Independents.

The Steele Report – 7/20/2020

This Monday’s report adds a new color-coded chart covering six aspects of the Trump Presidency, and discusses the following;

  • 5D Chess — what are the five levels being played?
  • Implications of Extraterrestrial Disclosure
  • Earth – the Needed Purge of Satanists and Pedophiles
  • Web 3.0: Application of War Powers to Smash #Google Gestapo by 1 SEP
  • Trump Alone — Stabbed in the Back by Parscale, Kushner, & the GOP